Before applying with us, be open to: breaking-out of your comfort zone and visibly engaging with our members on the friends page, having a good attitude, sharing in our excitement of writing, and making a conscious effort to maintain your presence within the community.

Lastly, please be respectful, being a mod isn't a paying job and we put up with a lot,we're giving our time too.

Post a current friends only as well as an out of character contact. Please ensure that the month and date reflect your application date to avoid removal. The year may be changed to adjust placement in your journal.

Friend add ~famosos.

Join the sub-communuities.

we don't require examples, and we do not accept challenges. however, we know it's easy to assume that if examples are not required, you can apply with anything, but we think it's important to show effort when applying to a place that you're looking to put effort into. aesthetics matter! if you don't know how to crop icons, let us know and we'll provide you with resources.

if an application is incomplete, your journal does not reflect your celebrity's name, includes numbers or underscores, or your journal's appearance is outdated, it will be deleted.

After you have been added to the community, post your introduction and reply to at least 50% of your comments within five days to secure your role within the community.

We understand commitments waver, and schedules vary, but maintaining your presence within the community is being visibly present. A reminder that this includes being active and interacting on the friends page as well. While apps are convenient, the friends page is where people are sharing their writing.

You are required to update your journal every three weeks. Every other entry must be a substantial or an interactive update, essentially anything that shows effort was made. Substantial updates are narratives or traditional updates. Interactive updates are social media posts or posts where other members can interact with each other. Placeholders are not considered substantial or interactive unless you have acquired an update pass per our point system, or you are completing an active update challenge. You can't use update passes in lieu of an effort post back to back. You are allowed to disable comments on narrtives and placeholders only. If you need suggestions, we have a list available to you in the activities journal.

You are required to comment, at least, ten introductions per three weeks, or participate in the community-wide free for all which will be posted twice a month or host your own free for all as well as participate. Participating is being interactive and commenting others in the post rather than dropping one comment and leaving. Please NOTE, failing to meet the comment activity requirement will not result in direct removal, but it will mark you eligible for an override. This means if you update at three weeks and have not met the commenting activity requirement, and someone applies to override, you will lose your role.

You are required to reply to 50% of your comments on every other entry unless you have acquired an update pass per our point system.

Your friends list must be updated every two weeks. A good rule of thumb is making a habit of updating your friends list every time you login after an adds cycle.

Members who are removed for inactivity for the second time in a row are unable to reapply as the same role they were removed from for a period of three weeks to prevent members from role-hogging and provide others with the chance to participate.

At the time of adds, a member can be overridden if:
‣ Their journal is marked at three weeks, or their last visible entry exceeds three weeks.

‣ They have not met the commenting activity requirement.

‣ They haven't replied to 50% of their comments on their last two applicable entries within three days of posting them. Updates made with update passes or have been backdated in line with posting a placeholder are exempt.

‣ Their friends list is outdated by two weeks.

‣ They did not post their introduction or reply to 50% of their comments within five days.

Members who are on hiatus or have requested an extension can't be overridden.

other guidelines:
We expect our members to be respectful of one another. In a group of writers, no one is going to click the same. there is a chance in character conflict may happen. this is normal, but we assume everyone is capable of handling it without our input. however, if there is ic/ooc blurring, members are ip logging and disrespecting another writer's privacy in any way, or being purposely excluded from group activities, please let us know. We, additionally, have zero tolerance for the following: hate, racism, bigotry, or plagiarism. Be kind, it's not hard. We also ask our members be mindful and respectful of their writing in regards to real life tragedies and losses, use your judgement, use trigger warnings when appropriate, and if you're unsure, ask.
